General terms and conditions for joint projects with the
Austrian Cultural Forum (ACF)

1. Project applications for the #newTogether project have to be sent to the ACF Bucharest only in the frame of specific publicly announced open-calls.

2. Any payment can be done only after the project is executed and financially settled.
Exception: Flight tickets organized by the ACF
Reimbursements are issued in the regarding local currency – project costs in Romania will be reimbursed in RON.

3. All the promotional materials (posters, brochures, invitations, etc.) will refer to the support offered by the Austrian Cultural Forum by showing the ACF Bucharest logo or by bearing the mention: “Supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum Bucharest.

4. No later than three weeks before the event, the applicant commits to send to the Austrian Cultural Forum Bucharest the electronic version of all the promotional materials, in order to be validated before printing and distribution. The Austrian Cultural Forum will also receive one copy of all the printed materials. The ACF Bucharest stresses the fact that one of its mission statements is not only to support the events in Romania involving Austrian participants or stakeholders, but also to increase their visibility by communicating about them through its own channels. The ACF Bucharest reserves its right to partially restrict the agreed support in case of non-compliance with this condition.

5. Within 14 days after the event (for the events taking place in December, immediately after the end of the event), the organizer will send to the ACF Bucharest a written information (in English or German) with the following points:

  • title/program/topic of the event;
  • Austrian (based) participants;
  • time, venue;
  • attendance (number of visitors/guests; for the exhibitions, the total number of visitors will be mentioned; the number of visitors at the vernissage will be highlighted separately); participation of public persons (cultural, political, etc.), if applicable.
  • other partners of the project
  • contributions of the other partners of the project (figures and domain: e.g. transportation, accommodation, logistics)
  • assessment / remarks / comments (narrative part; reaction of the public)
  • press report – articles/interviews/mentions/appearances in the media (printed and online press, TV, radio). Please mention the name of the media channel, the date of the article and please provide the link to the article (if available) or a scan of it.

6. For projects not realized to the full extend payments will be done only proportionately.

7. Wrong or incomplete information will cause the withdrawing of the ACF´s approved support.

8. The financial statement has to be issued not later than 30 days after the end of the project. The ACF reserves its right to retain the approved support, if the financial statement is not received in time!

9. Non-compliance with all the conditions listed above will invalidate any agreement with the ACF Bucharest.
